Portland, Oregon

Portland, Oregon

Neighborhood Emergency Teams

Your Neighbors
Your Community
Your Safety NET

How to Organize a NET Fundraiser Event

How to Organize a NET Fundraiser Event

Fundraisers are a great way to do outreach while making money for your Neighborhood Emergency Team’s (NET’s) supply cache. Since they’re open to the public, it’s a great opportunity to share some enthusiasm for emergency prep, even if people aren’t going to go all-in...

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This is an update to the previously posted FRS/GMRS Radio Primer article by John Beaston. In its May 2017 meeting, the FCC made significant changes to the FRS and GMRS services. These rule changes are basically good news for NETs. Here’s a summary of the changes: With...

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What I’ve Learned About Water Storage

What I’ve Learned About Water Storage

The part of my personal preparedness that has taken me the longest to complete, and given me the most confusion, is water storage. I’ll share what I’ve learned so far, to help all the other confused procrastinators out there. First I tried buying water in gallon...

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Japan, Six Years Later

Japan, Six Years Later

My name is Mitch Bixby, and I'm the Team Leader for the Overlook Neighborhood Emergency Team (NET). I'm currently traveling in Tohoku, Japan with a group from Portland State University. We're here as part of a class called Learn from Japan's Earthquake and Tsunami...

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The Buy Nothing Project

The Buy Nothing Project

In the past week, three things happened that will enrich my daily life (and may come in handy after a disaster): I met a neighbor three blocks away who has kids the same age as mine, I got a free pea trellis, and I learned how to make fire cider – all thanks to a...

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Are Our K-12 Schools Ready for The Big One?

Are Our K-12 Schools Ready for The Big One?

Picture this: A bookshelf packed with heavy materials located next to an exit, a large steel teacher’s desk on wheels that don’t lock sitting in the middle of a classroom, a tall filing cabinet next to student desks, folded cafeteria tables on wheels lining the walls...

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