NW District


Nick McCullar, Team Leader

You can contact him at nwnetpdxlead@gmail.com.


Welcome to Northwest District Neighborhood Emergency Team

The NW District Neighborhood Emergency Team is an all-volunteer group of your neighbors trained by the Portland Bureau of Emergency Management and Portland Fire & Rescue to save lives and properties in the event of a major disaster or emergency until professional responders can arrive.

We can also help you prepare to survive a disaster, starting with the information in the links on this page.

If you live or work in the NW District, we’re here for you

There are only 650 Fire & Rescue personnel and 900 police officers serving the nearly 700,000 people in Portland. That may be fine on a normal day, but after a major earthquake or other disaster it means you might have to wait a week or longer for professional responders to reach you. NETs can help you until professional responders are available. They can also help you and your neighbors learn to better prepare for and respond to an emergency.


Meetings are being held in person and online. Check out our calendar for meeting information.

Ways to get involved

With almost 13,000 residents in the Northwest District, there are far too many people for the NW District Neighborhood Emergency Team to reach everyone right away in an emergency, so a lot of our volunteer effort is helping make everyone in our neighborhood more resilient.

There are many other ways you can contribute.

  • Prepare your household and your block. You can find lots of resources at PublicAlerts.org.
  • This free online course provides lot of useful information: www.portlandoregon.gov/pbem/article/400345.
  • Volunteer for the City of Portland’s Basic Earthquake Emergency Communications Node BEECN Program. This is an excellent way to participate without much time commitment.
  • Follow us on Facebook
  • Help us reach businesses, schools, religious organizations, condo & apartment communities, etc., about preparedness. We can provide you with talking points, guidance, and materials.
  • Have other skills like social media, logistics, photography, press relations, etc. that you’d like to share? We’d love to hear from you!


Check out our online calendar here


7 + 5 =


Operations Plan


  • Sign up for NET training here: https://www.portlandoregon.gov/pbem/31667.
  • Build an emergency kit and store lots of water. There’s a good checklist at ready.gov/kit.
  • Basic Earthquake Emergency Communications Nodes (BEECNs) are a place to go in Portland after a major earthquake to ask for emergency assistance if phone service is down, or to report severe damage or injury. The BEECN for the Northwest District in at NW 27th Ave. & NW Quimby St. (behind Chapman Grade School). You can learn more about BEECN here: https://www.portlandoregon.gov/pbem/59630.


Coming soon.


Coming soon.