Rose City Park


The Rose City Park Neighborhood Emergency Team (RCP NET) serves our neighborhood and the city of Portland through emergency response, community building, and civic events. We are civilian volunteers trained by the Portland Bureau of Emergency Management (PBEM) and Portland Fire & Rescue to support first responders in emergency scenarios. One of the primary scenarios we prepare for is a magnitude 9.0 Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake off the Oregon coast. 

Collaboration with all members of our neighborhood is essential to making Rose City Park more prepared and resilient in the face of natural disasters and other emergencies. All RCP NET meetings are open to the public and we welcome participation from residents of all neighborhoods. Through our monthly meetings and scheduled exercises we help each other develop and maintain essential skills like: 

  • Search & Rescue
  • Medical Triage
  • Patient Assessment
  • First Aid
  • Radio Communication
  • Knot Tying
  • Water Purification and Storage

Even if you aren’t ready to enroll in the city’s program of training and service, you can join the RCP NET and be of service to your neighborhood while developing skills to improve your personal preparedness. 

Meeting Schedule

Second Tuesday of each month, 6:30-8:00pm

Until further notice,  all meetings will be virtual. Send an email to before the meeting to be sent a Zoom link.