NET net

The Neighborhood Emergency Communication Training net (NET net) meets every Sunday evening at 8:10 P.M. local time on the K7RPT 147.040 MHz repeater. That repeater has a positive 600 kHz offset and a tone of 100.0 Hz.  Our purpose is to provide practice with and exchange information about amateur radio use by NETs (Neighborhood Emergency Teams) and CERTs (Community Emergency Response Teams).

We refer to ourselves as the NET net, and our primary audience is those with little or no experience on the air. Experienced Operators may participate as well.  Those not associated with NETs and CERTs are also invited to participate.

The NET Net Manager is Donna Herron, AG7MO. Michael Nadler, KI7QIB and Josh Lucy, K7JLX are the assistant NET Net Managers. You can reach the NET Net Management team by emailing

NET net Program Schedule

Our discussions change week to week.  Many times, we will choose to discuss a recent incident involving Portland NET members, such as an exercise or deployment. Each of these comprise about an evening of discussion, but some of them will extend over multiple programs.

If you are not on the Directed Check in list, which is a list of call signs of participants from the last two weeks, please check in during the regular check in which occurs midway through the net after some of the evening’s topic has been discussed. Feel free to email the NET Net Management team with any questions or comments regarding the NET net.

If you would to serve as net control for the NET net, we welcome your participation. You can view the NET Net Preamble that gets updated frequently, suggestions are welcome and can be emailed to the NET Net Management Team. See Curriculum for the NET net google document for more information.