

The Overlook NET meets on the 2nd Monday of even months (Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct) at 6:30pm at Atomic Pizza @ 1936 N. Killingsworth Street. Check-in by radio (channel 5) starts at 6pm, or if you are new and want to get yourself up-to-speed. December is usually the holiday party: watch this space for details.

During odd months, we do something out in the neighborhood: a drill, a walk-around, or something not indoors. Those meetings happen NOT on Mondays; check out the calendar for what’s next.

We strongly encourage all community members to join us, NET-trained or not. We want to meet you, because we believe everyone has something to contribute.


We’re still working out formats to show only Overlook events.  In the meantime, here’s this year’s meeting list:

  • 2/10/20 6:30-8:00p Monday Atomic Pizza on Killingsworth
  • 4/13/20 6:30-8:00p Monday Atomic Pizza on Killingsworth
  • 5/2/20 1:00-5:00p Saturday Citywide Deployment (Beach School?)
  • 6/8/20 6:30-8:00p Monday Atomic Pizza on Killingsworth

To view calendars for all NET teams, visit tockify.com/portlandbem/pinboard.